Christ Narvarte

Junior Frontend Developer

I love to build things and thrive on creating awesome digital experiences.


Hi, I'm Christ Narvarte, a passionate, dedicated, and aspiring junior frontend developer with a love for coding and a knack for creating innovative projects. As a junior developer, I am continually inspired to explore and learn within the vast and ever-evolving world of technology. My honed skills, shaped through a tremendous amount of effort and practice, fuel my journey towards becoming a more proficient and effective coder.

My journey began in January 2023 when my curiosity started to grow significantly. I wondered how things were made, etc., and during that time, I discovered what I truly love and what my passion is. Although I coded our thesis way back 2019 using C++ with arduino, it didn't pique my interest much in programming.

As a developer, I'm always eager and ready to learn non-stop to become a better developer.

View Résumé

Tech Stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • NextJS
  • React Query
  • TypeScript
  • Prisma ORM
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git
  • Github


Br Graphics
Br Graphics

A portfolio site for my graphics designer client, built with Nextjs.

  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Shadcn ui
Storeyfy V2
Storeyfy V2

A simple e-commerce web app built with Nextjs and TypeScript with CRUD functionality to create, update, and delete products. Integrated with Stripe for testing/practice purposes, allowing you to simulate payments like a real-world application.

  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Neon DB
  • Prisma ORM
  • Zustand
  • Tailwind CSS

A streaming web app made with Nextjs, taking advantage of server-side rendering and server data fetching, where you can watch your favorite movie, anime, or tv shows/series, you can also read manga, manhwa, and light novel. With real time update powered by REST API.

  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Shadcn ui
  • Zustand